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Class Based Rpg Mod

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by topsaucrerpust1975 2020. 1. 23. 16:47


Class Based Rpg Mod Class based rpg mod terraria

TF2 has more than 10 game modes, plus variations on those, as well as community mods that offer a wide range of objective-based play. Classic game modes include Capture the Flag, Control Point, King of the Hill and Payload. There's also Mann vs. Machine, a co-operative game mode where you play against waves of AI controlled enemies. Welcome to RPGGamers! We are a community of RPG game lovers of all varieties, from Fallout to Final Fantasy, or Diablo to Dragon Age. Looking for Rpg with customization and Class selection for PC. Conquistador: Noob-friendly turn-based RPG with classes, open world and some customization options. Wizardry 6, 7 and 8. Thaumaturgy is the capability of a magician to work miracles. This is what this mod.

Plugin Category: Fun, Mechanics, Role PlayingSuggested Name:Class Based Modding? IdkWhat I Want: I'm looking into making a server, like many people I'm going to be using Forge and having many mods.

Class Based Rpg Mod

Tech mods and magic, but here is my idea.What if when you joined the server you had to choose one of three classes, Magus, Scientist, or Unaffiliated?By Choosing one of said classes would disable or enable certain mods for you. The Magus would have magic style mods but couldn't access Technology based ones, and vise-versa for the scientist. The class 'Unaffiliated' could have minor access to both trees, but unable to craft the higher ranked or 'end game' items/machines.When you try to craft something not in your class tree, it would simply not let you, or better yet say 'I don't know what that is' or something along those lines.And when you try to access a machine or object not in your class it could say 'I don't have the knowledge to use this', Similar to grief protection saying 'this belongs to soandso'There should also be a way to make some mods neutral, so all classes can use them. Like aesthetic building mods and farming.Obviously having the plugin know all the mods ever and what class they should go in is impractical if not impossible.

So the plugin should have some sort of a config file/folder that admins can access to add/remove the classes and mods in a class tree.I'm not sure how hard this would be to make as I have never built a plugin myself. But I'm guessing that it's entirely plausible with the complexity of rpg mods already out there, ranking systems that keep you from crafting certain objects, and not being able to use furnaces and stuff with grief protection. I think this Plugin would encompass the aspects of all of these, so it would be complex, but in a way the ground work is already there?Ideas For Commands: Admin/op commands would include something like reset class.username. or set class.username. As well as having commands to change the mods in the class trees.Ideas For Permissions: Idk What to put here. Admin/OP members can have Superclass? (all mods)When I'd like it by: Any time withing the next year would be cool.

Class Based Rpg Mod Terraria Reviews

I'm in no rush.

Class Based Rpg Mod